Hallmarq Standing MRI
“We are pleased and excited to offer the Hallmarq Standing MRI here at Park Equine Hospital. This high-power imaging modality is an extremely beneficial tool for all horses, especially for sport and performance horses.” John C. Park, DVM
With standing MRI, high quality images are captured with the use of light sedation instead of general anesthesia. The standing option allows for early and accurate diagnosis with much less risk to the horse, which can safely return home the same day. Acquiring detailed images of the distal limbs, or everything below the knee and hock, has proven to be diagnostic in over 90% of lameness cases with injuries often visible weeks before they can be seen on X-ray.
PEH sees patients that have been referred by their local veterinarians when horses present with suspected injuries or lameness in the leg. Veterinarians working with Park Equine now have access to the unique technology afforded by the Standing Equine MRI system to diagnose and pinpoint problems.
For additional information on our Hallmarq Standing MRI please see the links and photos below.
Referring Veterinarians may view FAQ’s here: https://hallmarq.net/us/for-equine-vets/
Horse owners may view FAQ’s here: https://hallmarq.net/us/for-horse-owners/